• Pawcatuck Roofing Company
  • (860) 650-1951
  • (401) 251-0901
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House with new Pawcatuck Roofing Solar Pannels

Save The Environment

There are many reasons why homeowners go solar, but the two most common are financial savings and helping the environment. Whether your motivation to go solar is economical, environmental or both, here’s a list of benefits to consider…

Going solar drastically reduces or even eliminates your electric bill

Electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. With a solar panel system, you’ll generate free power for your system’s entire 25+ year lifespan. 

Even if you don’t produce 100 percent of the energy you consume, solar still reduces your utility bills, meaning you’ll save a lot.

new home with solar panel
Photo of home with solar panels on it

Solar helps avoid rising energy costs

Every year, electricity prices continue to increase throughout the country. By investing in a solar energy system now, you can lock-in the price you pay for electricity today in order to protect against future increases in electricity costs.

Helps increase your property value

This one’s easy: homes with solar sell for more than homes without. And when you consider that solar allows you to reduce or eliminate electricity bills, it’s easy to understand why: wouldn’t you rather live somewhere without monthly utility bills? 

Solar panel on top of a home

Going solar nets you a great return on your investment. 

At the end of the day, solar is one of the best investments you can make. The average American solar purchaser sees a return on their investment (ROI) of 20 percent or more, with most solar panel systems paying for themselves multiple times over the course of their decades-long lifetime. Try getting that ROI from stocks!


The best part is...

there is NO UPFRONT cost to homeowners!

Solar is simply a choice to pay less for power.